Thursday, June 25, 2009


So we bought our first "big-ticket" item, which is a stroller that she wanted. It will work for when they are little, and we just click the car seats in to it. Dad's neighbor's son gave us a Jeep stroller for when they get older.

Kelly was all excited about it, and decided to take some pictures of me putting it together, despite my protests. I have a feeling that any protests I may have are going to fall on deaf ears for a little while.

We also bought a chair yesterday, but nobody was excited about me putting it together. Poor chair.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, June 15th

Kelly had a doctor appointment last week, which went well. Both babies are head down, and everything looks normal. We are signing up for all of the birthing classes, which makes the summer quite packed.

Ava is apparently a crazy person already. She kicks and goes crazy almost all hours of the day and night. I read to them last night, which seemed to calm them down, but the idea that she might be as crazy a baby as I apparently was is a little frightening.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We don't have many pictures yet. This is her at week 23.

I got in trouble for posting that picture of Kelly yesterday--bad picture, taken with my phone, etc. We are going to start taking pictures, though, because we are going to have some proof somewhere that we have a life. As long as I'm not in any of them, of course.

We registered at Target yesterday, which was frightening and weird, but also cool. I think I almost drove Kelly crazy, commenting on how expensive everything is, what a racket this whole baby industry is, how weird it is to make a wish list of things for people to buy, and so on. I have to be careful with my anxiety, though, because overall the experience is very unique and fun. Some aspects of our culture seem odd to me, though.

There was an older gay couple in the baby aisle, too, buying something for one of their sisters. They shared the same curiosity about how the baby industry buggers the consumer with expensive items that are only useful for a brief window of time.

There really are some cool items out there, though.

Monday, June 8, 2009


This is the first time we have started adding to the blog. There really isn't much to say yet. We are at week 24, and Kelly's tummy is growing rapidly. She's not growing too much, though. My cousin called her a "cute pregnant person" yesterday at Emmy and Tierney's graduation party, which is apt.

The babies are moving like crazy. We are pretty sure that Baby A (Ava) is the wild one. Baby B (we are thinking Harper), is more subdued. She'll be the cereberal one, and Ava will be the crazy one.

Other than Kelly getting sick over the weekend, the pregnancy seems to be going well. We go in Wednesday for a doctor visit, and Thursday we get to go see the babies via ultrasound again.