Saturday, August 29, 2009

First trip to the Rock

The girls got to venture outside today for the first time and really taste southwest Washington air. We made a trip to Castle Rock for my cousins Emmy and James's birthdays, so they got to meet quite a few of the clan on the hill. Parker and Rielee and Auna were all very eager to hold them, but were very good about washing their hands and being very gentle while holding them.

From there we took them out to Dad's for a minute, just because he hasn't seen them in a while. Other than that, not much news to report. Football started, and our first game is against Skyview next Friday. Most people think I'm crazy to try to coach and have twins, along with mentoring a new teacher, teaching an online class, and taking on more administrative duties at work beyond what I already do, but I think it's fine. One must stay busy, after all. The reality is that I would not do anything I thought would keep me from my family any more than necessary. These five people mean more to me than I ever imagined possible.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

babies are home

We made it home!
I got to the hospital at around 4, just as Kelly was getting them dressed in their official "going home" clothes. Then we signed some papers, got the car seats in, and were off. We did have to pull over one time on the way, though, because Kelly got paranoid when she couldn't hear them making noise. We are a little over-protective right now.
On a side-note, we got the statements for their stays at St. Vincent's. Having them there was a little more expensive than we thought it would be. The birth itself was $10,000, and having the babies there was just about $70,000 per baby. That doesn't even count the last week at Southwest. All told, having these two little girls is going to be around $200,000. We are very lucky to have good insurance.
As soon as they got home, of course, they started crying. Feeding time never seems to end. Or pooping time, for that matter.
We're pretty sure the girls are excited to have all of their new friends and family come visit them, because leaving the house is going to be quite a production from now on. We are excited that we don't have to be on a timeline or only have three people by the bedside. As much as we had some excellent, friendly nurses, we are glad to not have people telling us what we can and cannot do. Visitors will have to excuse our mess. The babies came a little earlier than we anticipated.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23

The girls got their feeding tubes out, and are eating well. The doctor says that they will come home this week, perhaps as early as Tuesday. We can't wait.

Luke is proving himself to be a very big help, but I don't know if he really understands how much he is getting himself in to by being so helpful. He actually said he wants to change diapers, a statement to which we will very likely hold him.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to Washington

We got the call yesterday from Dr. Azimi, Ava and Harper's doctor at St. Vincent's, at around 8am. They were going to transport the girls across the river to Southwest Washington Medical Center, but one of us had to be there to sign papers, and could we be there in an hour? That changed our plans for the day, but we didn't mind.

They girls are now in the Holtzman Twin special nursery at Southwest. We actually got very lucky to get in this place. We have our own room, and the kids can be here with their sisters. Luke is amazing to watch with them, always kissing them on the cheeks, holding their hands, and wanting to hold them. He is more than excited to be a big brother, and it's fun to see how genuinely he cares for them. Lexi is excited too, but she hasn't been able to see them in the new location yet. We can't wait until we are all home, and able to relax (ha!).

I tried to post pictures, but am doing so from the hospital computer, and it won't let me. I will add some tomorrow.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15

We had a request from Aunt Kathie from the District Office to add some pictures, so of course we must oblige.
The girls are eating well. They each finished a full bottle today, which is the first time they have done so. Ava weighed four pounds, one ounce today, and Harper weighed three-twelve. They must be listening to us, because every time they eat we tell them the faster they grow, the faster they get out of there and come home with us. They are getting steadily healthier, too (knock on wood)--Ava had a slight heart murmur from the outset, and it seems to be getting softer and softer every time the doctor checks.

Soon (maybe this coming Thursday or Friday), we hope to get them to Southwest Washington Medical Center so we will be closer to home. We are hoping to get into one of their new Twin Rooms--rooms they have built specifically for premature twins and their families. Either way, having them closer to home will help everyone.

We had quite a few visitors today. We had two sets of grandparents show up, but at different times. We can't wait until the girls come home so that everyone can hang out and visit rather than feel hurried to get out before Nurse Ratched comes to remove them.
By the way, the English teacher in me needs to point out that I take no responsibility whatsoever for the shoddy arrangement of the text of this blog. Content, yes, but not layout. When I type in what we want to say, it looks just fine and dandy. Something happens, however, on the trip from the "publish" button to when it arrives in the blogosphere. Sometimes I do admit that a typo or two will make it through my once-over proofreading, though. So it goes.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009